co-hosts past & future
within the upper mentioned topics and as they are explored simultaneously the global population will have an opportunity to participate,
inform and give feedback on how to best link thriving design and best practices of human development. this is the only way to make full use of our new-found tools-of-the-gods.
to do compassionate work through the hammer-and-chisel OF design.
co-hosting citizens of box city
the topic: design community COMBINED EFFORTS focusing on technology-enabled social action, starting debate and leadership events within the san Francisco design community is the only way to make use of newfound technology the same way the mainstream benefits from it. to help the ones in need is not second-class to creating thriving home improvements for the wealthy. the movement within the design community will bring to light festering social plot-holes while aiming to develop the future of street habitation. what kinds of ideas could design hackathons spark, when laser-focused on solving street habitation? the only way to bring balance to this new golden era of design and manufacturing is investing enough time on both sides of the scale. design has to own the counterbalance to fast-paced success.
form follows function. the form of our cities will follow the purpose of our citizens.
J.K. the squirrel is cool wild natural squirrel needs no meds living okay with what is around the river bend. through our experiences, we expose ourselves to
becoming part of the scenarios we surround ourselves with. These scenarios and events belong to several scopes of existence as physical things can not reach the mind, and all that is physical will go through our personal filter before changing or not our inner directive. within design it is the output that speaks, it's voice permeates life as design meets real world and intention becomes purpose as we design our lifestyle.
inside fundamentals of design, fashion, engineering and human development planning...
what will we chat about?
the topic: high-technology enabled lifestyle as the potential shifts in multimedia production brought by the popularization of hardware manufacturing and ease-of-access to high-end industrial finish processes. the topic will be covered with tutorials, debates, news and forecasts on the industry including the insider view within the San francisco bay area's own and silicon valley talent. the hue of the research and output will cover in-depth experiments on testing new hardware and software offers while enabling consumers to best experience the new era of technology to extract the maximum usability from devices, from video to photo, from screen to VR.
form follows function. the form of our lives will follow the purpose with which we experience moments.
the topic: design COMMUNITY CAPABILITIES with a fistful of guerrilla engineering, focusing on technology-enabled end-user design action including debates and leadership events started within the design community. the movement within the silicon valley community has brought nourishment to an already thriving custom scene in california and it does not end there. the start of the true empowerment of the final consumer will exponentially rise with easy-access to advanced manufacturing and ease of learning through the web. under the topic several fundamental aspects of design and engineering will be covered both on the field and in-house projects: bodywork styles, aerodynamics, fuel mixture systems, curiosities, insider trade secrets, fashion tips and more.
form follows function. the form of our design will follow the purpose we put those objects to.