The most anti-design of the exploration options, edge typography placement without comprising legibility. The geometric shape is used to breaking though layers while also interacting with the background.
The most anti-design of the exploration options, edge typography placement without comprising legibility. The geometric shape is used to breaking though layers while also interacting with the background.
The context in which data science occurs can be distant and somewhat esoteric to many, sometimes even to those inside of the scientific community. Within the new realms of big data and quantified living, the importance of such organizations has grown exponentially as companies rely heavily on real-time data to make out the best picture of future steps. The artwork developed for the Ads DS Summit takes on the responsibility of visualizing an exciting brave new world while remaining relatable and understandable by those within the industry ranks.
Inspired by the mood of an art gallery and layered depth, this concept presents the event as an opportunity to frame concepts, visualize ideas, and present new insights to an audience of peers.
Leveraging movement and the output from concentric motion, this direction presents an upward and to-the-right curve along with a clever, semi-cryptic approach to the typographic layout.
Leveraging a background pattern that waves at mathematical notebooks, the composition presents points flowing up and to the right. The pattern is then later leveraged in the slide application of the identity.
The location of the event was elected as crucial in the development of the identity, keeping in mind the mood and atmosphere of the San Francisco area along with important landmarks such as the Golden Gate bridge and Fort Mason informed the creation of 3 distinct color palettes to kick off creative exploration.
Continuing development with the 3 selected options, round 2 consisted in understanding the potential for improvement in each concept, leaning more towards each concept's initial message and visually balancing and further refining the layout.
What changed: Making better use of the foreground texture and highlight color, the artwork moved to use a more varied texture composition, adding variance to the angled running lines, along with highlighting Data Science other than Ads as the most relevant part of the event title.
What changed: The concentric lines worked well and needed to be uninterrupted by another horizontal graphic which was removed, the background also needed to expand into the remainder of the layout along with adding detail and variance added to the background texture.
With focus on electrical, energy-driven output, the palette leverages a tone of coral supported by green. The colors live together in the design to deliver energized contrast over a calmer, more collected green-rich blue as background.
Leveraging a background pattern that waves at mathematical notebooks, the composition presents points flowing up and to the right. The pattern is then later leveraged in the slide application of the identity.
To deliver contrast between perceived heat in a universe of data, and the cool clarity it provides once processed properly, high-energy purple is combined with a cool blue. The colors compliment each-other living over a calmer, darker cool blue background.
After arriving and presenting a total of 15 concept variances, the partner reviewing team selected 3 concepts to move forward with. These 3 concepts entered round 2 of development for continued exploration of the design system's potential.
Playing with the gradient breaking free from any constrains, this approach shows dots emerging from a stream of lines, coming out of a hexagon that emulates a portal into a new universe.
Selected direction
Playing with the gradient breaking free from any constrains, this approach shows dots emerging from a stream of lines, coming out of a hexagon that emulates a portal into a new universe.
Connecting relevant knowledge to individual insight and drive, we are able to achieve our vision. The frameworks developed by the Data Science community allow for the vision of what's within the data, the meaning behind an enormous pool of possibilities. It is though accurate and reliable perception of our goal, proper measurement of the impact and ruthless prioritization of our tasks that we can chisel the future of Facebook products. The intersection of skeletal lines with volumetric shapes allow this direction to champion mathematical concepts visually as they inform future decisions along with sparking relevant conversations within its confines in the DS community.
The color variance chosen was the most closely designed to leverage the location of the event, championing the Golden Gate bridge International Orange color, warm tones of sunset, and a dark blue background. These variances moved forward to the last iterative part of the process, expanding the identities to presentation slide layouts.
What changed: The geometry and chaotic nature of the concept needed to be made more explicit, the texture on the background was expanded to exemplify more clearly waves of interconnectivity, with elements breaking free from constraint and reduced vertical leading on the type.
As a community of complex thinkers, revealing our adjacencies and the way they interplay can derive trustworthy clarity for all. It is in the intersection of our skillset and in the combining of perspectives that real insight can be found, it is also at the edge of our comfort zones that the real magic happens. To visually represent this interactivity means to present a context of elements coming together visually to form meaning, to represent points of knowledge connected by lines or surfaces in a space that ripples and evolves over time, also painting the picture of a shifting sea of information to be continuously contended with.
The data science org connects the dots in the massive arena of data science in ways that correlate, influence and adapt to each other. Empowering our peers though a broader understanding of analytics, and each role of its parts within Facebook as a whole is crucial to our collective mission. This way, we can take informed action and be better prepared to deliver reliable, trustworthy, and impactful insights in a shifting landscape.
With the location of the first day of the event in mind, the warm sunset-sampled colors allow for a soothing gradient while delivering bold highlights to points of interest in the identity. Living over a bold petroleum blue, the contrast achieved will support the story of connecting complexity and clarity.
Informed action cycles to products and services have the potential to pervasively impact the organization as a whole; it is crucial for our community of thinkers to feel empowered to share relevant insight with a group of critical thinkers while keeping eyes and ears open to the power of unbiased feedback. Utilizing graphics that evoke synergy and movement, this approach delivers a semi-flat international design directive to visualize concentric efforts and step-by-step processes. This showcases the actions of the Data Science community as bold graphical multi-layered compositions, striving to spring forth meaning, and allowing individual contributors to support logical informed evolution.